- court ordern.法院指令,法庭庭谕;
- call to order正式宣布开会;请某人遵守会场秩序;
- junior highn.初中;
- hold in high esteem对…十分尊敬;
- high spirited精神精神
- high societyn.上流社会;
- high risk高危;
- high pointn.顶点;极限;
- high plateau高原;
- high performance work system高绩效工作系统;
- high fiven.(尤指庆祝成功、表示致意等的)举手击掌;
- high fashion(服装的)最新款式[亦作 high style];
- high divingn.[体]高台跳水;
- high definition高清晰度;
- high courtn.最高法院;
- high capacity高容量,高负载;
- high and mightyadv.非常,很;趾高气扬;神气活现;高傲的人;
- high altar祭坛;
- in order of按…顺序;
- in order按次序的,合乎程序的;井然有序;
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